Athlete Rules

Women’s Physique


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the following five mandatory poses in the order shown:

      • Front double biceps, with open hands (no flat-footed full front pose but instead, some type of front twisting pose)
      • Side chest, with arms extended
      • Back double biceps, with open hands
      • Side triceps, with leg extended
      • Abdominal and thighs

2. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

3. The head judge directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


5. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of two minutes to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

6. The entire lineup is called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.

8. The competitors then perform a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


9. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.


10. The bikini must reveal both the abdominal muscles and the lower back muscles. The use of padding anywhere in the bikini is prohibited. The bikini and/or the competitor’s body must not contain any commercial advertising and/or endorsements. If a competitor’s bikini does not conform to the above rules, or does not conform to acceptable standards of taste and decency, the head judge has authority to direct that the competitor change her bikini, failing which the competitor may be disqualified.

11. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini during Judging and Finals.

12. During the Judging and Finals, competitors do not wear footwear.

13. During the Judging, the hair must be worn off the shoulders so as not to hide the musculature of the upper back and shoulders. The hair may be styled for the Finals.

14. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

15. The use of props during the Judging or Finals is prohibited.

16. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.

17. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.

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